CooperVision Shares New Evidence-Based Research Projects, Helping Eye Care Professionals to Embrace Myopia Management
Three Works Focus on Fast & Slow Progressors and Interventions for Chinese Myopes
As part of its multifaceted leadership in helping more eye care professionals (ECPs) embrace myopia management, CooperVision is sharing insights from three new scientific abstracts supported by the company. One explores myopia rates in fast and slow progressors, while two others concentrate on optical interventions for residents of China with myopia. All were presented as scientific posters at the 2023 Global Specialty Lens Symposium (GSLS).
“Our findings play a key role in further advancing myopia control and management across the entire global eye care community,” said Elizabeth Lumb, BSc (Hons) MCOptom, FBCLA, Director of Global Professional Affairs, Myopia Management, CooperVision. “Comprehensive, trusted, and valid diverse research like this is crucial as the industry and professionals work together to make myopia management the standard of care in practice.”
Dual Focus Contact Lens Successfully Slows Myopia Progression in Both Fast and Slow Progressors (Kwan J., et al)[1] compared eye growth rates prior to and during myopia control treatment with the CooperVision MiSight® 1 day contact lens, applying data from the company’s multi-year, international MiSight® 1 day clinical trial. Faster growing eyes wearing single vision contact lenses during the first three years of the study slowed the most when they were moved into the MiSight® 1 day treatment lens. Slower growing eyes during pre-treatment effectively stopped progressing, which means that both fast and slow progressors benefit from MiSight® 1 day contact lenses for myopia management.[2]
As the incidence of myopia in Chinese children is among the highest of any cultural group or ethnicity[3], CooperVision is ensuring that a portion of its myopia research is devoted to this region. MiSight® 1 day is the first and only soft contact lens approved* by the U.S. FDA and China NMPA to slow the progression of myopia in children aged 8-12 at the initiation of treatment.”[4]†
Short-Term Clinical and Visual Performance of Dual-focus Soft Contact Lenses in Chinese Children (Chen S, et al.)[5] investigated the clinical and visual performance of MiSight® 1 day throughout one month of daily wear. Researchers evaluated 36 children ages 8-12 in the Guangzhou area who used the lenses on average for 12 hours per day, six days per week. They demonstrated wearing schedule compliance and successful independent handling at one week and one month. The children reported good visual performance (comparable distance and near high contrast visual acuity at one week versus a single vision lens) and improved overall satisfaction over one week and one month of wear.
The Effect of an Overnight Corneal Refractive Therapy Lens on Vision and Corneal Curvature in Chinese Myopes (Jiang J, et al)[6] focused on adult and child myopes in China, further validating the effectiveness of reducing myopia using CooperVision’s Paragon® CRT 100 orthokeratology lens, which has been widely fitted there since 2017. The 12-month, four-site study enrolled 254 subjects ages 8 to 43 with both eyes having myopic refractive error of -4.00DS or less, astigmatism of 1.50DC or less, and no corneal abnormalities. The Paragon CRT® ortho-k lens was found to temporarily reduce myopia effectively in a large majority of Chinese patients, demonstrating significant improvements to clinically relevant levels of both uncorrected distance visual acuity and manifest refraction spherical equivalent.‡ Significant levels of improvement were observed in both uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) and low levels of myopia (MRSE) after one week, and were sustained throughout the follow-up period.
The studies represent the latest initiatives by CooperVision, a global leader in myopia control and management, to advance evidence-based practice worldwide. To read these poster presentations in their entirety, please visit