AdHawk Microsystems, a leader in eye tracking  technology that unlocks the connection between the eyes and the brain, today unveiled the first  ever research-grade eye tracking glasses for the masses. AdHawk’s MindLink Air™ can be  worn in comfort and style as a pair of lightweight everyday glasses. They feature embedded all day eye tracking technology to provide valuable data about task proficiency, productivity, and  cognitive health and wellness throughout the day. The glasses come in three styles  (rectangular, round, oval) and many colors, and can be customized to the wearer’s needs by  adding an existing prescription, blue light capabilities, or as sunglasses. 

“We’re proud of our track record of bringing cutting edge eye tracking technology to the medical  and research communities. Now we’re excited for consumers to experience the power of our  technology and to take control of their cognitive wellness,” said Neil Sarkar, CEO of AdHawk  Microsystems. “MindLink Air will provide customers with personalized, longitudinal data they can  use to adjust their daily routine to reduce eye strain, improve focus to get into a flow state, avoid  mental fatigue, and understand when they are most productive. We think of it as the first fitness  tracker for the brain.” 

How Does MindLink Air Work? 

MindLink Air’s sensors observe eye behavior and movement, including blink activity, pupil  dilation, gaze behavior, fixation depth when looking at different distances, and even saccades— the rapid and precise movements that our eyes make all the time. The precision and speed of  these sensors is unmatched in wearable products. 

With personalized, longitudinal data, MindLink Air can measure and monitor cognitive wellness  and eye health throughout the day, indicate when a break is needed to avoid tired eyes or  mental fatigue, and determine periods of peak cognitive performance. People can use these  personalized insights to help adjust their daily routines to maximize efficiency while reducing  eye strain, improving focus, and avoiding mental fatigue. In the near future, like with other  biomarkers, long-term trends of neurological activity captured with eye tracking will reveal the  tiniest changes in cognitive function over time to indicate brain health, disease progression, and  treatment efficacy. 

MindLink Air is easy to use with a simple mobile app that communicates wirelessly with the  glasses. While the glasses are worn, the ultra-compact micro-electromechanical system  (MEMS) begins tracking eye movement robustly, following a user’s gaze with incredible  accuracy, and capturing data from the eye thousands of times each second. The MEMS-based  sensor is tiny and energy efficient, allowing for all-day use in a lightweight pair of glasses. 

MindLink Air’s eye sensor is based on research-grade technology used by hundreds of  researchers around the world. It incorporates the MEMS scanner-based eye tracking system  and methods invented by the AdHawk team. Researchers from the University of Waterloo and  other laboratories and clinics around the world are using AdHawk’s MindLink technology to  support their studies. 

“We have been studying the MindLink technology in providing unobtrusive and objective  information about a pilot’s cognitive load, stress, and mental state allowing for improvements in  pilot training and assessments,” said Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo, Ph.D., Associate Professor of  Neuroscience and Human Health at the University of Waterloo. “The AdHawk technology has  tremendous promise in its MindLink Air as its lightweight and untethered form factor allows for  inconspicuous and useful monitoring of visuomotor behavior across a wide array of tasks and  environmental contexts.” 

Where Can I Buy MindLink Air? 

Today marks the official unveiling of MindLink Air. To get early access, please visit Visitors can sign up for the MindLink Air VIP newsletter and receive an  early adopter discount code toward their purchase once MindLink Air is commercially available  in 2024. 

About AdHawk Microsystems 

AdHawk Microsystems develops eye tracking technology that unlocks the connection between  the eyes, the brain, and the world around us. The company has developed AdHawk MindLink, a  research-grade eye tracking system with unprecedented speed and data quality in a wearable  device that delivers game-changing computational and power efficiencies. With their newest  product, MindLink Air, AdHawk has now brought their research-grade technology to consumers,  allowing everyone access to their own cognitive health data (available in 2024). The AdHawk  solution is also powering a new generation of smart glasses, AR, and mixed reality experiences  for Tier 1 OEMs. Based in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, the company is backed by Samsung  Venture Investment Corp, HP Inc., Essilor International, Sony Innovation Fund, Intel Capital,  and Brightspark Ventures. For more information, please visit 

For more information: 

Heidi Davidson 

Galvanize Worldwide for MindLink Air 

(914) 441-6862